Section 2.2.3

Deleting a Question

Deleting a question is not as commonly performed as adding questions to the Question Bank, but it is still a very important operation.

After adding a few questions to the Question Bank (see Adding Questions), it might look something like Figure

Figure Example of a filled in Question Bank

As a recap, the checkboxes on the Question Bank’s left column allows test-makers to select one or more questions. When the test-maker selects a question, it is highlighted just like Figure

Figure Highlighted selected questions

After selecting the desired questions, the test-maker has the option to delete them. Figure below depicts the scenario of a user deleting questions from the Question Bank.

Figure Deleting questions from Question Bank

When the Delete button is pressed, a confirmation box pops up to ensure that the operation is what the user intends to do. Pressing Confirm allows the operation to go through, while pressing Cancel stops the operation (doesn’t delete the selected questions).

After the test-maker has confirmed the deletion operation, the Question Bank will look like Figure

Figure Updated Question Bank with selected questions deleted

Note that the selected questions are removed and the test-maker now sees the T/F and MC questions previously added in earlier sections.